‍ADAN (Association pour le développement des actif numériques) drafted a comprehensive answer to the EU Consultation on the review of the MiFIDII/MiFIR regulatory framework. The Association is thankful to the European Commission for this opportunity to express its views on the need to accelerate the digitization of the European economy and, in this perspective, to seize the opportunity offered by digital assets and the blockchain to build a more ethical, transparent and open system. ADAN’s position, presented in this response document, includes the following elements:

  • The benefits of blockchain and digital assets to optimize financial infrastructures ;
  • The solutions carried by digital assets to accelerate the digitization of the European economy ;
  • The necessary prerequisites to implement such solutions;
  • The regulatory barriers that need to be overcome.
  • The benefits of blockchain and digital assets to optimize financial infrastructures ;
  • The solutions carried by digital assets to accelerate the digitization of the European economy ;
  • The necessary prerequisites to implement such solutions;
  • The regulatory barriers that need to be overcome.