10 Dec 2020
Crypto-assets in France – State of play and assessment of the ecosystem – 2020
Adan and its members examined the state of play of the French “post-regulation" crypto industry and an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the ecosystem. The report “France of digital assets - After PACTE and COVID19: State of play and assessment of the ecosystem” summarizes this work.
10 Dec 2020
New constraints on the crypto-asset sector, an ill-advised overreaction
Adan takes note of the French Government’s ordinance tightening the anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing measures for crypto-assets service providers and condemns both the content and the form of this text. We regret that our suggestions to the Government seeking compromise have not been heard. The Asso
08 Dec 2020
Interview by Simon Polrot for Bpifrance
Replay of the round table organised by Bpifrance in which Simon Polrot intervened to present the challenges related to the digital euro.
08 Dec 2020
A digital euro to adapt the euro zone to tomorrow’s economy
On December 7, Adan participated in the conference titled: "The Blockchain: an opportunity for Europe, why the euro zone must not miss its second internet revolution? »
08 Dec 2020
December Update
And thus begins the last month of Adan's first year in existence. A very rich and fertile year but also, in many ways, a unique one.
04 Dec 2020
Interview by Faustine Fleuret for Big Innovation Centre
Here is the replay of the APPG Blockchain Evidence meeting organised by Big Innovation Center in which Faustine Fleuret presented Adan's work and missions.
Speech by Faustine Fleuret for Big Innovation Centre
04 Dec 2020
Replay Big Innovation Centre “APPG Blockchain Evidence Meeting”
Voici la rediffusion du meeting APPG Blockchain Evidence organisé par Big Innovation Center dans lequel Faustine Fleuret est intervenue pour présenter les travaux et les missions de l'Adan.
27 Nov 2020
Newsletter – October 2020
The year 2020 looks more and more like the never-ending day. Here we are all re-confined, a new economic shock is expected, and new support measures as well. With the same effects?
26 Nov 2020
Interview by Simon Polrot for Fabernovel
Replay of the round table organised by Fabernovel in which Simon Polrot presented the issues related to digital assets and opened the discussion following the "Future of Money" study.